The 200th anniversary of Wallace's birth is only ONE year away!

The 200th anniversary of Alfred Russel Wallace's birth is now less than a year away (8th January 2023)! We know of a number of projects which are being planned to celebrate the occasion, including a 3 part TV series, at least three 1 day symposia, vaious talks, one museum exhibition, and about 10 books! The books include what will be the best biography of Wallace to date, the first French translation of The Malay Archipelago, a biography in Norwegian, and a lavishly illustrated book focusing on his tropical adventures. It would be great if one or more of the countries that Wallace did important work in (the UK, Brazil, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia) issued Wallace stamps in 2023, but it is unclear how to go about interesting the authorities which make such decisions in these countries...

The Wallace Memorial Fund played a key role in the worldwide events which marked the 100th anniversary of Wallace's death in 2013, and we hope to play an important role in the 2023 celebrations. Not only do we have the world's most visited Wallace-related website, but we own the copyright of Wallace's letters, notebooks and other unpublished works, and the reproduction rights to most of the very best photographs of Wallace, his artwork etc. For the 2013 anniversary we sent more than 220 Wallace-related images to 32 organisations or individuals around the world for use in articles, books and exhibitions (most were supplied free of charge, as they were non-commercial projects) and we also initiated and led the campaign to raise funds for the magnificent bronze statue of Wallace now in London's Natural History Museum. For the 2023 anniversary the Fund has designed a Wallace200 logo (see above) - and we urge everyone who organises Wallace-related events in 2023 to use it on their websites, publications etc in order to show that they are part of the worldwide Wallace celebrations.

The Wallace200 logo features a beautiful watercolour painting of Wallace's Flying Frog (Rhacophorus nigropalmatus) done by Wallace himself in Sarawak in 1855. Wallace discovered that this species can glide through the air using the greatly expanded membranes between its toes and thought it was an excellent example of an evolutionary adaptation. Sadly not many of his fellow naturalists believed his story until it was confirmed many years later... The Wallace200 logo has no copyright attached to it - it is in the public domain - so you do not have to ask permission to use it. When the time comes to advertise your event, please let us know the details (email and we will add them to the Wallace2023 events listing on this website.

The 2023 anniversary will be a really great opportunity for science education and public engagement - let's not miss it!

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith