Reproducing images

The images on this website and in our Flickr Albums or Google Image Galleries are copyright of their creators and may not be reproduced in any form without permission, except where noted below.

We can provide professional quality high resolution versions (usually scanned at 600 dpi) of images which are copyright of G. W. Beccaloni, the Wallace family, or the Wallace Memorial Fund for publication, broadcast, exhibition etc. In addition we may be able to supply others which are not available on our Internet sites (e.g. pictures of Charles Darwin, animals and landscapes from the 'Malay Archipelago') - please ask.

If your intended use is entirely non-commercial (e.g. for an educational project with no funding) then please send a list of the image name(s) or captions and an explanation of your intended use to Reproduction fees will almost certainly be waived for images to be used in non-commercial publications, talks, videos, websites etc - all we ask is for you to credit the copyright owners of the images and make the content you produce available free of charge using a Creative Commons Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA Licence. Any publications, videos etc which our images have been used in may be republished by us on a non-commercial basis, except where an agreement has been made between you and us which states otherwise. Pictures on websites may be displayed at a maximum size of 600 pixels across the longest side of the image and no larger. Note that written permission from us is NOT required to use images for non-commercial talks, if the images in question are copyright of G. W. Beccaloni, the Wallace family, or the Wallace Memorial Fund (also note that we permit these images to be shown in free videos of such talks). Images which are the copyright of others will require their permission (you will need to contact them and ask).

If you would like to reproduce images in a commercial publication (e.g. a copyrighted book printed by a publisher who would be profiting from its sale), broadcast etc then please complete THIS FORM and send it to After receipt of your email request and attached invoice form, we will contact you with information about the availability of the images, and if we are able to supply them, we will send you a quote for the cost of the reproduction fee. The cost of supplying an image will depend on the rights you are requesting and discounts may be given if more than three images are required. Payment is necessary before the images are provided. Paypal is the preferred payment method.


Copyright of photographs under UK law is complex, but a good summary can be found here:

Quotes from this document:-

For photos where the photographer is known: "Copyright expires 70 years after the end of the year of the author’s death, whether the photograph was published or not, except in the case of photographs taken between 1 June 1957 & 31 July 1989."

For photos where the photographer is not known: "Copyright expires 70 years after the end of the year in which the photograph was taken or was made available to the public. If the identity of the author becomes known before the copyright expires, the rules in the previous section then apply."

Also see or information about Publication Right. "Publication Right, introduced into UK law on January 1, 1996, applies to works, including photographs, where copyright has expired and such work has never been exposed to public view - via publication or exhibition. If such works are published for the first time, the publisher automatically acquires a publication right that lasts for 25 years from the end of the year of first publication. This right is similar to copyright, and enables the publication right owner to prevent any reproduction they have not authorised." Many of the images we have published on this website will have gained this right.

Also see THIS

If you have any questions then please email

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith