

i) Wallace's Writings

Virtually all of Wallace's writings - published and unpublished - are now available on the following websites:

The Wallace Collection in EPSILON - transcriptions of Wallace's complete known correspondence produced by the Wallace Correspondence Project.

Wallace's notebooks in the Linnean Society

The Wallace Page - The definitive compilation of Wallace's published writings. The transcripts on this site are super-accurate!

Wallace Online - Another compilation of Wallace's published writings.

ii) Biographies of Wallace on the Web

Wikipedia article about Wallace.
An excellent capsule biography of Wallace by Sean Carroll.
Interesting biography on 

iii) Assorted Articles about Wallace

A great article on Wallace's eclipse by Darwin by Jim Endersby.
Nice article about Wallace's connection to the town of Hertford.
Excellent account of the events surrounding the publication of Wallace's 1858 essay on natural selection.
An interesting paper comparing Darwin and Wallace's theories of natural selection.
An article highlighting the current distorted darwinocentric view of the history of evolutionary biology.
A great article about Wallace's neglect by Olivia Judson.
A well written article about Wallace in The New Yorker by Jonathan Rosen.
Wallace gets it right again!
A good article in Smithsonian magazine about the history of the discoveries of evolution and natural selection - click here.
A nice article about Wallace by Sahotra Sarkar published in Resonance in March 2008. Click here to download the pdf.
Fairly good article about Wallace's Spiritualistic beliefs - click here.
A collection of interesting articles by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith