Revision of Events, Books etc to Commemorate the 200th Anniversary of Wallace's Birth in 2023 from Fri, 2022-12-02 12:49

2023 sees the 200th anniversary of Alfred Russel Wallace's birth. He was born on 8 January, but the anniversary will be celebrated during the whole year. In fact, celebrations began in 2022, as several books were published in advance of the anniversary.

Here is a list of events, books etc designed to celebrate the anniversary. If you would like us to add any missing ones then please email George Beccaloni (


Conference 'Alfred Russel Wallace - 1823-2023', Museum of Natural History, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK on 9 January 2023. Click HERE for details.




First French edition of Wallace's book The Malay Archipelago. Published November, 2022 by Plume de Carotte. Click HERE and HERE

First biography of Wallace in Norwegian, published November 2022: Markus Lindholm, Barbeint I Amazonas: Historien om Alfred Russel Wallace. Click HERE

Most comprehensive biography of Wallace to date, to be published March 2023: James Costa, 


George Beccaloni [In Press, March 2023]. Alfred Russel Wallace and His Discoveries in The Malay Archipelago. EVOLVE Magazine [Natural History Museum, London's members magazine]


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith