Revision of Grave of Alfred Wallace's Rival, Bernstein, Found on Ternate Island from Tue, 2020-03-10 16:41

Heinrich Agathon Bernstein (1828 - 1865) was an important German naturalist and explorer who collected animal specimens in the Moluccas from 1860 until his death on Batanta island in 1865. It was widely assumed that he was buried there, but last year (March 2019) I revealed that thanks to a tip-off from my colleague Paul Whincup, I had discovered that his body had been taken to Ternate island (his base) by his servants and buried in the European cemetery there. See my detailed post about this HERE. At the end of my article I wrote "Sadly no sign of Bernstein's monument has yet been found in the old European cemetery in Ternate (most of the grave monuments have been damaged or destroyed and the cemetery is full of refuse), but perhaps part of it will eventually be found." Amazingly a few months later Rinto Taib (Head of History and Cultural Heritage of the City of Ternate) managed to find what is probably Bernstein's grave. It is in a sad state as you will see from the photographs below, but the main elements of it still exist i.e. the columns 

Illustration of Bernstein's grave from Rosenberg, C. B. H. von. 1875. Reistochten naar de Geelvinkbaai op Nieuw-Guinea in de 
jaren 1869 en 1870. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith