Revision of Wallace's Rival Bernstein Was Buried on Ternate, not Batanta. from Mon, 2019-03-11 21:49

By George Beccaloni, March 2019

Heinrich Agathon Bernstein (22 September 1828 - 19 April 1865) was a German naturalist and explorer from Breslau (Wrocław). He moved to what is now Indonesia in 1855 and in 1859 he became an official collector of animals and plants for the Leiden natural history museum. In 1860 Bernstein travelled to the Moluccas, seting up his base on Ternate Island as Wallace had done. Hermann Schlegel, the director of the museum, urged Bernstein to keep ahead of Wallace, who had been collecting in the region since early 1858. Jansen (2008) recounts how "The rivalry was strong but gentlemanly. On 6 February 1861 Wallace wrote in a letter from Dili (Timor): 'The Dutch have just sent out a collector for the Leyden Museum to the Moluccas. He is now at Ternate, and goes to spend two years in Gilolo and Batchian, and then to N. Guinea. He will, of course (having four hunters constantly employed, and not being obliged to make his collecting pay expenses), do much more than I have been able to do; but I think I have got the cream of it all. His name is Bernstein; he has resided long in Java, as doctor at a Sanatorium, and tells me he has already sent large collections to Leyden, including the nests and eggs of more than a hundred species of birds! Are these yet arranged and exhibited? They must form a most interesting collection.'" It is not known whether the two men ever met.

Bernstein, became one of the most successful of all the natural history collectors who worked in Indonesia in the 19th Century. Jansen (2008) estimates he collected "4,645 bird skins, some 1,000 eggs and 354 nests for the museum at Leiden, plus 181 mammals, 212 reptiles, 211 fish, 588 molluscs, 10,215 insects and 42 crustaceans." He informs us that "The bird skins are today in various museums around the world, including London (now Tring), New York, Vienna, Paris and Genoa, owing to exchanges made by Leiden."

Sadly, Bernstein was to die aged only 36. Jansen (2008), citing Veth (1879) states that he "...died on Batanta at 19 April 1865 of a liver abscess, and was buried either on Batanta or Ternate..." However, whilst reading Rosenberg's 1875 book Reistochten naar de Geelvinkbaai op Nieuw-Guinea in de jaren 1869 en 1870 I discovered the following passage (translated from the Dutch by Erica Tonnema): "There, in the park-like cemetery, a romantic site, on the feet of the proud ‘firemountain’ of Ternate [Mt Gamalama], a simple memorial, in the southeast corner of one of the nearby crossways, marks the grave of Dr. Bernstein...and it is that place, in the close proximity of his earlier residence, from the workshop, where he did so much research, in the name of science and made things ready for our homeland, that is for him the most appropriate resting place, because this was just not possible on gloomy Batanta, in the middle of the regions where he acquired his most precious results..." Also in Rosenberg's book is a detailed illustration of Brenstein's grave monument. Intrigued to know what happened I did some research and found an 1885 article in Dutch by Musschenbroek. In it 


Jansen, J. 2008. Pioneer of Asian Onithology Heinrich Bernstein. Birding Asia, 10: 103-107.

Rosenberg, C. B. H. von. 1875. Reistochten naar de Geelvinkbaai op Nieuw-Guinea in de jaren 1869 en 1870. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.

Veth, H. J. 1879. Overzicht van hetgeen, in het bijzonder door Nederland, gedaan is voor de kennis der Fauna van Nederlandsch Indie. Leiden.

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