by George Beccaloni
This page contains strange but interesting things related to Wallace which I don't know where else to put!
Videos & Films
1) Video showing a recreation of two famous Wallace photos using live bees for his beard!
2) 'Wallace'. A 6½ minute comedy written and directed by Patrick Griffiths. For details and a vido clip click HERE
3) 'Acri', a 1996 Japanese movie directed by Tatsuya Ishii features Wallace in the curious storyline. A reviewer comments "From the very beginning of this movie you know its going to be serious. The violin music and the psuedo film noir opening are hints to this. And as the movie develops this serious aspect becomes even more prevelent. Ranging from the scientist trying to prove the existence of mermaids to the love affair someone has with a fish. The really weird part in this movie is where a guy gets it going on with a mermaid. Needless to say this is weird but what makes it worse is that this scen is being treated like it is supposed to be sensuous or something. But its not. In fact its just plain icky. Its like watching somone mate with a bipedal turqoise carp. And finally one of the really unusual things about this movie was the way the mermaids look. The do not resemble traditional mermaids but look like a cross between a grey alien, elephant, carp, seal and somone wearing spandex (If you can imagine that)." - for details see HERE There was a 1997 book based on the film called 'Wallace and the Mermaid' - see below.
Images & Cartoons
1) Two Wallace tattoos! CLICK HERE and HERE
3) History of evolution in cartoon form, featuring Wallace of course.
4) An excellent cartoon featuring Wallace as the Boy Wonder.
5) Wallace's great grandson's car number plate. Bill lives in Canada, where you can apparently have more-or-less what you like on your number plate for a small fee.
6) "Where's Wallace?", a poster produced for Hertford Museum's exhibition "World of Wallace" in the style of the "Where's Wally?" books, not only has a picture of Wallace hiding in the rainforest, but also a picture of Wallace fan Bill Bailey! Here's a closeup of the poster.
7) Darwin and Wallace: the lost photograph.
8) Nice cartoon about Darwin and Wallace by Chris Madden in 2009.
Songs About Wallace
1) "Mr Darwin, Mr Wallace, Mr Matthew" - a song by Mr Haines
2) "The Wallace Song" by the Pyr Project
3) Jonny Berliner sings about Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin
Other Stuff
1) An impressive sculpture in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, Australia, which was installed to celebrate Darwin's 200th birthday, has a reference to Wallace on it, which reads "Where's WALLACE?". Their website explains: "Where’s W A L L A C E? This ‘Where’s Wally’ style question has been included in recognition of Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) who postulated the theory of evolution at the same time as Darwin. The Darwin-Wallace paper was read before the Linnean Society 1 July 1858 and published in their Proceedings Vol. 3 1858. pp. 45-62." See their website HERE and images of the sculpture HERE.
2) 'Wallace and the Mermaid' is a 262 page book, in Japanese, by Iwai Shunji which was published in 1997. I quote: "Originally written as a screenplay for the 1996 film Acri, directed by Ishii Tatsuya, the story springs from the fanciful premise that Alfred Russel Wallace, whose theories on evolution were as significant as Darwin’s, left behind his notes on having raised a mermaid. These notes come into play when a group of American biologists capture a merman in northern Australia. Transported to the United States as the object of further study, the merman dies unexpectedly—in the act of masturbation.
Fast forward three years when a Japanese college student, who’d been thought drowned in a shipwreck off Okinawa, emerges from the sea. Researchers determine that he is descendant of Wallace’s mermaid, and they begin a search for his mother. Woresu no ningyo is a novel of a surprising scale that positions mermaids in the history of human evolution.." For more details see HERE