by George Beccaloni
This page contains interesting things related to Wallace which I don't know where else to put!
Remarks About Wallace
Thomas Henry Huxley, who was sparing with his compliments, once wrote, “Once in a generation, a Wallace may be found physically, mentally, and morally
qualified to wander unscathed through the tropical wilds of America and of Asia; to form magnificent collections as he wanders; and withal to think out
sagaciously the conclusions suggested by his collections...” [Source: Huxley, T. H. (1863). Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature. London: Williams & Norgate. 159 pp.]
Mahatma Gandhi once said "Civilizations have come and gone, and in spite of all our vaunted progress, I am tempted to ask again and again, ‘To what purpose?’ Wallace, a contemporary of Darwin, has said the same thing. Fifty years of brilliant inventions and discoveries, he has said, have not added one inch to the moral height of mankind." [Source: Tendulkar, D. G. (Ed.). 1960. Mahatma: Life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, 2nd edition, Vol. 2. Delhi : Pubs. Div., Min. of Inform. and Broadcasting, Govt. of India: 29]
Curious Visuals
1) Video showing a recreation of two famous Wallace photos using live bees for his beard!
2) Two Wallace tattoos! CLICK HERE and HERE
4) History of evolution in cartoon form, featuring Wallace of course.
5) An excellent cartoon featuring Wallace as the Boy Wonder.