Revision of Donors from Tue, 2013-12-31 14:31

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The Wallace Memorial Fund are very grateful to the 75 generous people who donated towards the statue during Phase 1 of the fundraising campaign.

We are extremely grateful to Dr Alan Smith CBE, FRS (no relation to the sculptor Anthony Smith!) for getting the campaign off to an excellent start with a very generous donation of £10,000 GBP.

We are also very grateful to the following other major donors for their generous contributions: Mark Ribbands & Mui Tsun (UK), Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Miguel Bastos Araújo (Portugal), Barry Clarke & YT Fong, Tim Preston (UK) and Bill Wallace & family (Canada).

Donations have also been received from the following very kind people and organisations:

Richard Russel Wallace (UK)

Alfred John Russel Wallace (UK)

David E. Axelrod (USA)

Christine Garwood (UK)

John Wilson (Australia)

Mark Nesbitt (UK)

Erica Evans

Caitlin Tyson (UK)

Usk Civic Society (UK)

Ann Spokes Symonds (UK)

Caroline Wallace (Canada)

Jim and Leslie Costa (USA)

Thurrock Local History Society (UK)

Note that many donors have asked to remain anonymous or have not said that they would like to be listed here.

The plaque on the back of the statue's base, listing the major contributors to the statue project. Copyright George Beccaloni.

Time capsule placed in the hollow base of the statue which lists everyone who has contributed to this project. Copyright Anthony Smith.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith