A (natural) selection of Wallace-related resources
Highlights from The Natural History Museum's (London) archive of Wallace letters and other manuscripts.
The Wallace Page - all you ever wanted to know about Wallace and more! The Wallace equivalent of Darwin Online (below).
Wikipedia article about Wallace.
An excellent capsule biography of Wallace by Sean Carroll.
Excellent account of the events surrounding the publication of Wallace's 1858 essay on natural selection.
Good biography of Wallace on the Welsh Icons website.
An interesting paper comparing Darwin and Wallace's theories of natural selection.
An article highlighting the current distorted darwinocentric view of the history of evolutionary biology.
A great article about Wallace's neglect by Olivia Judson
A well written article about Wallace in The New Yorker by Jonathan Rosen
Wallace gets it right again!
A nice piece about Wallace and Darwin designed for teaching university students.
A good article in Smithsonian magazine about the history of the discoveries of evolution and natural selection - click here.
A nice article about Wallace by Sahotra Sarkar published in Resonance in March 2008. Click here to download the pdf.
Fairly good article about Wallace's Spiritualistic beliefs - click here.
Darwin-related resources
The Complete Work of Charles Darwin Online - an incredible resource for Darwin material, which also includes quite a number of interesting Wallace items. To see listings of the Wallace items it contains CLICK HERE and then HERE.
The Beagle Project and its excellent Blog - please support this project!!
The Dispersal of Darwin blog has excellent current information about Darwin related events etc and also sometimes good Wallace-related posts.
A critical look at the Darwin legend. CLICK HERE.
Thomas Huxley resources