The Quest for the Legendary House of Alfred Russel Wallace in Ternate

Publication Type:Book
Year of Publication:2022
Authors:N. Hughes, Taib R.
Publisher:City of Ternate and The Alfred Russel Wallace Memorial Fund

“Wallace's house in Ternate is the most important science history site in Indonesia”. It is legendary as the place from where Wallace sent his Ternate Essay on the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection to Charles Darwin in March 1858. Wallace’s dis-covery is regarded as one of the most important scientific theories ever proposed.

This book relates the discovery of the site of Wallace’s house (on the corner of Jalan Pipit and Jalan Merdeka). It explores the history of Ternate in the time of Wallace. It also provides a brief history of Ternate up to and including the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century, and documents all the forts on the island.
Enjoy your visit, explore the history of Ternate and stand at the site of the legend-ary house of Alfred Russel Wallace.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith